University of Pittsburgh
September 7, 1999



PITTSBURGH, Sept. 8 -- The University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing is announcing the establishment of the UPMC Health System Chair in Nursing Science.

The news will be made official at the School of Nursing 1999 Convocation Ceremony Monday, September 13, beginning at 1 p.m. in the 1st floor lobby of the Victoria Bldg., 3500 Victoria St., Oakland.

This endowment symbolizes an ongoing commitment by the UPMC Health System to the quest for excellence in nursing care and the expansion of nursing science. The individual selected for this endowed chair will have demonstrated an active program of research, collaboration with colleagues in other disciplines, and participation in the School's educational programs.

The endowed chair will be used to support the salary, research, and professional development of a full-time faculty member in the School of Nursing. Appointments to this chair will be made by the dean and a committee of tenured faculty at the School of Nursing.

According to Dean Ellen R. Rudy, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, the ultimate goal of the endowed chair is to add to the knowledge base of the discipline of nursing for the purpose of improving health, decreasing disability, and aiding in the recovery from illness or trauma.

"Not many hospitals or hospital systems provide endowments to academic institutions," said Rudy. "It is even rarer for endowments to be designated for nursing. We are deeply grateful to UPMC's board of trustees and many others from that organization for this endowment. In particular, we want to thank

Mr. Jeffrey Romoff, who has a long time commitment to nursing and quality nursing care. His leadership helped make this endowment possible."

