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Pitt's Swanson School names Sanjeev Shroff chair of bioengineering

By Justine Coyne
 –  Reporter, Pittsburgh Business Times

The University of Pittsburgh's Swanson School of Engineering has appointed Sanjeev Shroff the new chair of the department of bioengineering, the university announced Thursday.

Shroff, distinguished professor and Gerald E. McGinnis chair of bioengineering, will succeed Harvey S. Borovetz who stepped down in April after an 11-year tenure. Borovetz will remain a faculty member in the department of bioengineering.

“Dr. Shroff has built a strong reputation as an academic, researcher and student mentor, and I am pleased to appoint him as department chair,” Gerald D. Holder, U.S. Steel Dean of engineering at the Swanson School said in a statement. “He is respected among his colleagues at Pitt and his peers throughout the field of bioengineering, and I am enthusiastic about the leadership and experience he will bring to this new role.”

Shroff is recognized as a distinguished scholar in cardiovascular physiology and mechano-energetics and his research has been supported by grants from the American Heart Association, National Science Foundation, as well as continuous funding from the National Institutes of Health since 1986. He has also been elected a fellow of the American Psychology Society, the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and the Biomedical Engineering Society.

He received his PhD in bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania and previously served as a faculty member in the University of Chicago Department of Medicine for 17 years prior to joining the Swanson School in April 2000.