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Newsmaker: Charles C. Jalloh |

Newsmaker: Charles C. Jalloh

Charles C. Jalloh, an assistant law professor at the University of Pittsburgh, gave the invited lecture at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands on Feb. 12. Entitled “What Makes a Crime Against Humanity a Crime Against Humanity,” his lecture attempted to identify the essence of crimes against humanity in international law.

Noteworthy: Jalloh gave the invited lecture at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, on Feb. 12, titled “What Makes a Crime Against Humanity a Crime Against Humanity.”

Residence: Squirrel Hill

Family: Wife, Jan; three children

Occupation: Assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law

Background: Served as legal counsel in the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes section of Canada's Department of Justice, as legal adviser to the Office of the Principal Defender in the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and clerked at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Arusha, Tanzania

Education: Bachelor's degree from University of Guelph, Ontario; Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Civil Law from McGill University, Montreal; master's degree in international human rights law from Oxford University, England

Quote: “The lineup of previous (lecture) speakers is nothing short of intimidating, because it has included the who's who of international criminal law scholarship and practice, some of whom were from elite law schools here in the United States, but also many other respected legal minds from other leading institutions around the world.”