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Jeremy Berg heads new Pitt institute

By Kris B. Mamula
 –  Reporter, Pittsburgh Business Times

Jeremy Berg has been named director of the Institute for Personalized Medicine, a new program developed by the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

The institute will use genetics, genomics and related information from other disciplines to advance evidence-based medicine, practices and procedures that have been proven effective. Berg is associate vice chancellor for science strategy and planning at the Pitt Schools of the Health Sciences and professor of computational and systems biology at the Pitt School of Medicine.

“This institute is one of our most far reaching basic and clinically applicable research efforts,” Dr. Arthur Levine, dean of Pitt’s School of Medicine, said in a prepared statement.

Berg joined Pitt in August 2011 after an eight-year tenure as director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, which is part of the National Institutes of Health. At NIGMS, Berg oversaw a $2 billion budget that primarily funded basic research in cell biology, biophysics, genetics, developmental biology and related areas.